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We understand that an upcoming oral surgery procedure can feel nerve-wracking, whether you are getting your wisdom teeth removed or if you’re investing in a durable tooth replacement for a missing tooth. Taking certain steps before your treatment to prepare can help ease your nerves and make the overall experience less stressful.

Arrange Transportation

You will have received anesthesia and sedation to make your oral surgery a more comfortable experience. You will need help getting home safely after your procedure due to potential drowsiness and mental fog. Make arrangements far enough advance so you aren’t rushing through your contacts list the day of your appointment trying to find a ride.

Prepare for Your Recovery

You’ll want to relax in a comfortable spot when you get home after your procedure. You will also likely be hungry, as we may instruct you to avoid eating and drinking before your oral surgery. Reduce stress during your recovery by prepping for these beforehand. Set up a cozy couch or bed with extra pillows. Put some cold compresses in the freezer. Have several appetizing soft foods on hand. Some of our favorites are bananas, blueberries, avocado, mashed potatoes, baked sweet potatoes, yogurt, applesauce, smoothies, pureed soups, scrambled eggs, oatmeal, cream of wheat, and soft noodles. Avoid seedy, crunchy, and hard foods that can irritate your surgical site.

Take Time Off

It’s best to allow yourself enough time to rest and recover after your procedure. Let your boss or school know you’ll be out for a few days. Resting and staying hydrated during your recovery will lessen your risk of complications and promote smooth healing.

Ask Questions

During your consultation at Vista, our team will typically go over your procedure and what you can expect. However, if there are still specific questions or things you are worried about, please let us know by contacting our office!